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Presbyterians trace their roots to the 16th century and the Protestant Reformation. Our heritage and much of what we believe comes from John Calvin.


Some of the principles articulated by John Calvin are still at the core of Presbyterian beliefs. Among these are the sovereignty of God, the authority of Scripture, justification by grace through faith, and the priesthood of all believers. 




New Market Presbyterian Church meets every Sunday at 11 AM in the sanctuary. Worship features traditional hymns and contemporary worship songs, scripture readings, and Biblically-based sermons that relate to our everyday lives. We invite you to join us as we meet on Sunday mornings to glorify God.


Special services are held throughout the calendar year for Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.


New Market Presbyterian Church invites you to join us in Christ-filled worship that has fortified hearts and souls for generations. For 130 years, members of the church have spread the love of Christ thoughout New Market and the surrounding areas. Our Sanctuary doors are open and our pews are saved for all of God’s children.




The land for the Presbyterian Church was deeded in 1849. The historic sanctuary, the third building to be constructed, was erected in 1888 in the heart of New Market, Alabama. The sancutary features hand-carved woodwork completed by local craftsmen. The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1988. New Market Presbyterian Church is proud to be included on the Huntsville-Madison Convention and Visitor Bureau's Foundations of Faith: Houses of Worship Over 100 Years Old trail.

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